Please use the services as much as possible during your trial. A bit like a Gym, you'll only see the real benefits if you make use our services! Too many people get to the end of their trial without ever calling or even visiting the web site.
The Money Club was set up over 25 years ago, way back in 1988 before the internet was as popular as it is today. Our mission was and still is to go out and negotiate the best deals possible for our members.
The internet has made it increasing easy for everyone to find great prices if they have the time and expertise, but we don't rely on searching the internet, what we do is search for the best price and then go and negotiate directly with suppliers, wholesales and trade sources and get you even bigger savings.
Our UK based call center is manned by professional shoppers who like nothing more than to save you money and they guarantee to beat any price you can find on items over £100 subject to being able to source those items from one of our hundreds of trade and wholesale sources (Please note we are sorry but we do not price match against auction sites). When you find what you are looking for and your best price, call 01753 733 733 and put us to work for you saving you money! In fact if we can't find a qualifying item cheaper than you, we'll send you a cheque for £25!
If we are not able to source an item you can still save money by using the links on our cashback web site. Shop from these links and we will pay you 100% of the commission paid by the retailer to us for referring you to their site into your online account. We will automatically send you a cheque each time the balance in your account gets over £25.00.