Tuesday, 7 July 2015


If you're travelling to Greece for your Summer holidays here is a update on the latest currency situation. 

The currency of Greece is the euro. When travelling outside of the UK, you should take more than one means of payments with you (cash, debit card and credit card).  Visitors to Greece should be aware of the possibility that banking services – including credit card processing and servicing of ATMs throughout Greece could potentially become limited at short notice.

The government of Greece announced on 6th July that banks will remain closed until at least close of business on 8th July 2015. The Greek government is limiting withdrawals using cards issued by Greek banks to €60 per day (£42.54). At this time, you can continue to withdraw cash using your card as normal, up to the daily limit imposed by the Greek banking system (usually €600), or the daily limit imposed by your card issuer – whichever is the lowest amount, as long as the ATM has been replenished. The system for paying with debit or credit card for retail transaction continues to function.

While banks are closed in Greece and some withdrawals are limited, make sure you take sufficient euros in cash to cover the duration of your stay, emergencies, unforeseen circumstances and any unexpected delays. You should take appropriate security precautions against theft. There is currently no restriction on taking unspent Euros out of Greece at the end of your stay.

In recent days the media have reported a shortage of medical supplies in Greece. Make sure you have sufficient medical supplies (including prescription medicines) for your stay and any unforeseen delays.

For more updates and travel advice please click on https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/greece

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